Monday, July 23, 2012

24 Weeks

How big is baby this week:  size of a cantaloupe

Due Date: November 13, 2012

Weight Gain: +5.5 lbs from starting weight.

Symptoms: Feeling great! I'm anticipating back aches will be arriving anytime.

Cravings:  I may remove this category next week until I start craving something different. I will always have a love for fruits and sweets specifically chocolate.

Sleep: Sleeping pretty good. Mosby for some reason has decided he wants to sleep with us again here and there and when he does I hardly sleep at all. He wants to sleep right up against me which I love for the first half hour then he is just too warm and I have no room. We may have to make both of the dogs sleep out on the couch here soon otherwise I just won't get much sleep.

I am loving: Life is good!

I am spazzing about: Minor spazzing just that we are at the 6 month mark and that baby will be here sooo soon it seems! Also, just a little frustrated that the crib/changing table didn't work out as ordered. Oh well, maybe I'll find something cheaper. I went to sign up for the birthing class and the dates they have scheduled are September 8th (date of our shower) and November 10 (way too close to baby's due date). So now not so sure what classes we are going to do. Need to figure out soon.

I am looking forward to: The month of August, doc appointment next Monday and Fall!

Movements: Baby kicks regularly throughout the day. Kicks keep getting stronger but nothing that is painful or uncomfortable yet.

Milestones: Grandma and Grandpa Emerson got to see "baby bump" in person this week.

It's a....: Park is officially rented and mom is finalizing the invitations. I've started to look at some clothing and am getting anxious to know whether I can buy cute boy or girl stuff! I had a dream this past week where baby was actually born and was a girl. It was such a weird dream she was born and we swaddled her in blankets and took lots of pics and then they told us we had to put her back in because she wasn't developed enough.


  1. So happy to hear things are going so well. You are so tiny!!!! Look forward future reports!

  2. Your dream is too funny!! But, typical for a pregnant momma. Love you!
