Monday, April 30, 2012

12 weeks

How big is baby this week:

Due Date: November 13, 2012

Weight Gain: 0 lbs

Symptoms: Feeling pretty good with the occasional bit of sleepiness.

Cravings: Slight craving for cheetos.....after our friends Jill and Lance's wedding this weekend in Jefferson City the only thing open for late night eating was McDonald's. Bryan and Kyle Wooster decided to get a bite to eat from there but Candi and I decided to get something from the hotel. For some reason the cheetos bag looked good and I forgot how good they tasted. :) Chips (other than tortillas and salsa) have not been in my diet for years.

Aversions: Same things as before specfically meat just not craving it at all.

Sleep: Sleeping fine with the addition of the now usual 2 bathroom visits a night.

I am loving: Nothing specific stands out this week just life in general.

I miss: This week I missed being able to partake in the drinking activites that took place with friends over Jill's wedding weekend. Of course it's all worth it and really was not that big of a deal.

I am looking forward to: This upcoming weekend with no plans. Hopefully, it will be relaxing and Bryan and I can take the dogs to the park.

Best thing about this week: This cuts into this past weekend but it was so great to spend it with friends for Jill and Lance's wedding. Being able to share the news with several of them who didn't know yet and getting to meet our friend Ashley's boyfriend, Matt. It was a great weekend all around. It was also great to just go public with the news....finally no more secret keeping. ;)

Milestones: Almost at the end of the first trimester

It's a....: Baby Emerson's gender will be revealed at the baby official date has been set but around Labor Day time frame is the plan.

Friday, April 27, 2012

11 Weeks

A friend of my sister's did a blog like this during her pregnancy and I loved it! I may add categories and remove some along the way.....we'll just see how it goes for now.

How big is baby this week:

Due Date: November 13, 2012

Weight Gain: So far 0 lbs

Symptoms: For the most part I have been really blessed and have felt really good. I've only had instances on 2 days. One of them I felt awful and did have to work from home but it was due to a lack of sleep. The second time really only lasted a little bit. For some reason I thought McDonald's looked and sounded good at the LA airport on our way to Hawaii. I ate half of my fries and half of my quarter pounder and within about 3 minutes I had to visit the toilet in the ladies room. Instantly felt better.  :)  I will not be trying any greasy foods again.

Cravings: I love fruit anyway but I am loving it even more....bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and pineapple.  One of my favorite things we had to eat in Hawaii was the breakfast fruit bar at the Koa Kea Resort! This isn't really a craving but I discovered on our trip to Hawaii that I really like Ginger Ale. Bryan ordered it on the plane and I tried it and really liked it. I don't want to drink too many of them since they are like soda and there is a lot of sugar in them but it is a nice alternative to alcoholic drinks.

Aversions: I love Starbucks Iced Coffee but not now. I wouldn't say it makes me sick or anything it just doesn't have the same great taste I usually think it does. BBQ pork is one of my favorite foods but now the smell of it does make me nauseous. I have no desire to really eat meat. Shrimp and Ham has been ok for me.

Sleep: No problems yet. 

I am loving: That I am not sick all the time and that I was able to enjoy our Hawaiian vacation as much as we did. I was really worried when we found out we were pregnant that I would be sick the whole time and not be able to do any of the fun adventure stuff there.  I also love how Bryan talks about his little baby and how he can't wait to tell people.

I miss: Right now I don't miss anything yet.

I am looking forward to: Our next appointment on May 10th where we get to hear the heartbeat.

Best thing about this week: Telling the rest of my group at work and CUNE friends the news.

Milestones: This is a slight milestone for me....I am not a fan of flying and tend to have some anxiety when doing so. I was really worried when we got pregnant what I would do for our trip. I did relay this information to the nurse practitioner during our visits. She originally told me that I could only take benadryl. I was worried that my anxiety would just overpower the benadryl. So in our appointment a few days before our trip I reasked what I could do. The doctor did end up prescribing me something for anxiety. However, I was quite proud of myself that I was very calm and in control for all 6 flights we took there and back and I did not need to take any of the medications. I think Baby Emerson knew it and made me feel calm. ;)

It's a....: We obviously can't find out the sex just yet. However, the ideal plan is when we can find out have the doctor write the sex of the baby down and put in an envelope. This envelope may be given to my sister, Rebecca-if I feel I can trust her not to peek ;) so that she can give the envelope to a baker for a cake for the baby shower. At the baby shower Bryan and I would then cute the cake (not knowing) and reveal to family and friends at the same time by showing the inner icing color as either pink or blue. I think this will be a fun date to look forward to and will be exciting to share with family and friends all at the same time.

Week 10 and Hawaii

Bryan and I wanted to plan a trip that was something we haven't done, a place we haven't been before, kind of like a once in a lifetime trip before we had kids. At the time of booking our trip to Hawaii we did not know we were pregnant. The trip truly did turn into a babymoon......I had never heard that term before but Bryan's boss mentioned it so I had to look it up.  :)

We had amazing trip to the Island of Kauai, the furthest Hawaiian island from the mainland. I of course took lots of photos and won't bore you with them all on the blog....I'll just post a few of the highlights from the trip. If you would like to see more I do have some posted on my facebook page.

The Lihue aiport was open aired.....
this is the location for baggage claim

We hiked part of the Kalalau trail that went above the trees
on the left in this picture and over looked the ocean
This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip.
This was the Kilauea Lighthouse on the North Shore.

Ho'opi'i Falls #1

Ho'opi'i Falls #2
 Hiking to these falls was one of my favorite things we did during the trip. The trail to the falls was actually located in the middle of a neighborhood and we almost didn't notice it. The entrance to it was pretty small.

Waimea Canyon- I've never been to the Grand Canyon
 before but this view was amazing. Not something you would expect to see in Hawaii.
One of our favorite places at the peaceful

One of our favorite things to do was watch the Sunrise
at our hotel when we were staying in Kapaa the first 4 nights.
With the time difference it was pretty easy for us to be up by 6:15 to watch.

Koa Kea Resort

Views of the Na Pali Coast from the water. 

We took a sunset sailing cruise with Captain Andy's to view the other side of the coast. To get full views you either have to take a helicopter or a boat ride. I enjoyed going but Bryan felt a little motion sickness from it. There definitely were some waves and it wasn't the smoothest boat ride. It got pretty cold on the ride back so we both couldn't wait to get to the hotel to get a hot shower. The view of the coast from this angle was amazing. We got fairly close to the cliffs and it totally put the size of them in prespective.

Doctor Appointments

Around week 7 we had our first doctor's appointment. The first appointment they just did a urine test to check for pregnancy hormone levels and took blood so they could determine my different levels and blood type.  

Week 9.5 we had our first ultrasound. Baby Emerson had a healthy heartbeat of 180 and everything looked normal. Bryan and I were both surprised at how detailed the ultrasound was already at this stage.

Our next appointment is not until May 10th.

The Big Reveal

 Bryan and I started trying in August 2011 and even though we had been trying I was still surprised when it happened. I instantly called my sister Rebecca but she was in a work conference in California. I eventually just texted her a picture of the pregnancy test because I had to tell someone! She called me back instantly happily crying on the other end. Afterwards, I honestly paced our house for several hours until Bryan came home from work. I just couldn't believe it and I kept trying to think of a fun way to tell him. I should have been cooking dinner but of course my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't think of a way to tell him so I ended up just putting the pregnancy test (2 of them actually) on a plate on the kitchen table like I had set it up for dinner. When Bryan came home he knew something was going on because I was acting a little funny and had the weirdest smile smirk on my face when he came in trying to get him to look in the direction of the table to see. He was more interested in finding out where dinner was. He thought I had a special dinner setup outside on the deck. Haha, sorry babe. Eventually, he did notice the pregnancy tests and he asked "Is this for real?" He of course was very excited and probably more calm then I was.  :)

Around week 6-7 we told my parents via Skype with my sister, Rebecca. My mom was in the hospital at the time due to an asthma episode earlier in the week. We thought it would catch my mom and dad off guard if Becca were to be the one actually announcing the news. She made a super cute t-shirt that said FUTURE AUNT on it. It played out mom could only see the top part of the shirt that said FUTURE mom asked Becca what her shirt said, "Future what?" Mom thought it was an Alpha Chi sorority t-shirt at first. Then she saw that it said AUNT and spelled it out loud saying, "Oh what's that?
Oh, FUTURE AUNT"......then the slight screaming, crying and asthma attack started. :) Dad was there too right beside mom and was as pleasantly surprised. It was a good thing mom was in the hospital so she could have immediate breathing assistance. I felt a little bad but it was worth it and she recovered pretty quick from it.

We told Bryan's parents much later then I would have liked (almost week 9) but I really wanted to tell them the news in person. We were so excited that they were able to come down with the rest of the family minus Kaleigh and plus Jon's girlfriend over Easter weekend. As soon as they arrived I went and changed my shirt to a hot pink one that said Coming Soon 11.13.12. Bryan's mom noticed the bright shirt right away. I went over to show her so she could read it. She asked "So what does that mean?"  My response...."What you think it means  :)"...... Then I went over and showed Bryan's dad and he asked the same thing....My response..... "You'll be grandparents in November." His mom was happy giddy and his dad was super excited but a little speechless.

Monday, April 2, 2012

RT 66 Basenji Walk

Bryan and I took Mosby and Jaxson down to Laumeier Sculpture Park for the Route 66 Basenji Walk on Saturday morning. Mosby and Jaxson absolutely loved it! Bryan and I enjoyed getting outside with the gorgeous weather we had.

The Route 66 Basenji Club

I love this photo of Mosby and me!

Jaxson, Mosby, Gambit, and Tempest
Gambit and Tempest were 2 sisters from the same liter as Jaxson.