Tuesday, August 14, 2012

27 Weeks

How big is baby this week:  size of a rutabaga! Baby is about 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds

Due Date: November 13, 2012

Weight Gain: +9 lbs total from starting weight

Symptoms: My mid back hurts fairly often and I can't stay comfortable when sitting. I've also noticed just in the past day or two discomfort around my ribcage.I have such a short torso I think there is no more room to grow going up and things will definitely start growing out even more.

Sleep: Sleeping is just ok. Still getting the majority of sleep I need so not feeling run down or anything yet.
I miss: Sleeping on my back!

I am spazzing about: Just anxious about getting the room put together and setting up meeting times with certain people to discuss labor and delivery process and techniques.

I am looking forward to: I'm really looking forward to my trip to Kansas City this weekend to meet up with my best friend Megan who lives in Nebraska. She is getting married on November 24th and I was suppose to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. With Baby E's due date so close to the wedding date I was super sad that timing just wouldn't work. (We still plan to try and go to the wedding pending Baby E's arrival and how we all feel). So with both of us having major life changes in the next few months we decided we should have our own mini weekend together to relax and hang out and have our own mini showers just the two of us.

Movements: No real change here baby still kicking like normal. I did notice this weekend when I was more active that baby started kicking more at bedtime instead of during the day.

Milestones: 3rd trimester starts next week...can't believe it's already about that time.
  • Baby is practicing inhaling and exhaling with rapidly developing lungs.
  • It's official: Baby's showing brain activity!
  • I think we have a pediatrician set up....Bryan found one he thinks will fit with our personalities and ideal wants. We at least are on the books to use when baby E arrives. We may be setting up a meeting with him here soon.
It's a....: Boy or Girl??
I ordered the gender reveal cake yesterday and handed over the "envelope" :)

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