Friday, February 8, 2013

Schedules Galore

Addie’s Babysitting Schedule

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
·         Bryan drops Addie off at Rebecca Gerwitz’s in the morning
·         I pick Addie up on way home from work

Wednesdays and Friday
·         My Mom, Dad, and Grandma rotate/work together to watch

Prepping Schedule

Sunday night
1.       Pack lunch for Monday and Tuesday
2.       Pick out clothes for Addie and Me for Monday and Tuesday
3.       Make sure bottles are cleaned and pump bag is ready to take to work
4.       Wash hair for M/T (Thank God I have thick dry hair for this to work!) It makes mornings go much faster when I only need to straighten or curl
Monday night
1.       Make sure bottles are cleaned and pump bag is ready to take to work
Tuesday night
1.       Make sure bottles are cleaned and pump bag is ready to take to work
2.       Wash hair for W/Th (Thank God I have thick dry hair for this to work!)  
Wednesday night
1.       Pack lunch for Thursday and Friday
2.       Pick out clothes for Addie and Me for Thursday and Friday
3.       Make sure bottles are cleaned and pump bag is ready to take to work

Thursday night
1.       Make sure bottles are cleaned and pump bag is ready to take to work
2.       Wash hair for F/S (Thank God I have thick dry hair for this to work!)

Daily Schedule

 Just a quick rundown of a typical day without going into great detail

6:00 am
Feed Addie
6:20 am
get up; get myself ready and then get Addie dressed and ready to go
7:15 am
Feed Addie
7:30 am
Leave for work/Addie leaves with Bryan
9:30 am
Pump (usually takes about 20 min for set up, pumping, and cleaning)
11:00 am
Eat lunch at desk
12:30 pm
3:30 pm
4:15-4:30 pm
Leave work
5:00 pm
Pick Addie up
5:30 pm
HOME-let dogs out, unpack car, feed dogs, feed Addie, change clothes, play with Addie
7:00 pm
Start dinner or laundry
7:30 pm
Eat dinner, feed Addie
8:00-10:00 pm
Any prepping activities, play with Addie
10:00 pm
Feed Addie and get ready for bed, maybe watch tv in bed
11:00 pm
Go to Bed
1:00 am
Feed Addie
3:30 am
Feed Addie
5:30-6:00 am
Feed Addie


  1. There is a lot of feeding Addie in this schedule! :)

    Hard work being a mommy!

  2. Do you hang out with Bryan at all, lol?? :)
