Monday, July 9, 2012

22 weeks

How big is baby this week:  size of a papaya!

Due Date: November 13, 2012

Weight Gain: +3.5 lbs from starting weight. Why does the extra 0.5 lbs feel and look like 10 lbs!?

Symptoms: Felt really good all week. Extra spurts of energy here and there and feeling very bloated.

Cravings: Fruit and chocolate. I ate a piece of red velvet cheesecake this weekend from the cheesecake factory (my favorite dessert) and I think Baby E liked it too......I felt a happy dance in my belly. Haha!

Sleep: Sleeping ok. I'm still having weird dreams. Starting to toss and turn a little. I can't stay comfortable for too long on one side.

I am loving: Bryan wasn't as excited about his anniversary present as much as I was hoping. I got him a faux brown leather bag that could be his "daddy" diaper bag with some Husker baby gear (newborn hat and pacifiers), and a bib that said I love my chiropractor in it. He liked the baby items but not the bag, maybe he'll change his mind once baby comes or I'll just end up using it. :) I loved the gift he got me though.....a tv for our bedroom.

I am spazzing about: Just realizing that baby will be here in about 4 months and that is not far away!

I am looking forward to: My sister being home for a short period of time this weekend and hopefully getting to see Bryan's parents this upcoming week when they drive through MO on a trip.

Movements: Baby kicks pretty regularly throughout the day.

Milestones: Dresser/Changing table has been ordered while the crib is on backorder. Should be able to start doing stuff to the nursery soon.

It's a....: Bryan thinks we are having a girl. I still don't have a feeling if it's boy or girl. It's been really fun to hear what people think we are having and their reasonings behind it.


  1. I can't wait to see your crib and changing table! Did you go with your original picks from PB?

  2. Yep, I went with the original PB picks. The crib is on backorder until August 16th so I'm waiting until then to order it. Changing table should be here anytime.
