Nursing Light- This light is perfect! I found this item right before Christmas and asked for it as a gift. I wish I would have found it sooner. I love it because it doesn't wake Bryan up, it's a soothing light for Addie when she eats and works great for me. It has just enough light to make sure she gets latched appropriately and I've even used it to change her diaper without turning on any of the other lights!
Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets- These blankets are the perfect size and material. They are super soft and work great for swaddling and I even love using them as a nursing cover or spit up cloth. They are a great multi-purpose blanket.
Britax Agile Travel System- Very light weight and easy to use. Perfect for a first time mom and one who can't lift that much.
Timi and Leslie Diaper Bag- I found this diaper bag before I was even pregnant with a co-worker when she was putting together her baby registry and knew that it was exactly what I wanted to use when the time came. I received it as a group gift from my co-workers; I just love how big it is and that it doesn't look like a diaper bag.
Tommie Tippee Bottle- it's great that these bottles mimic breastfeeding as close as possible. I think it definitely is helping Addie get used to bottle feeding now that momma is back at work.
Arm Rattle Toys- these are the perfect toys for Addie since she moves her arms and legs around so much, you just velcro around the wrist or ankle and listen to them rattle!
Organic Sleeper- I got two of these from Mod Swad (they are a little pricey but got them on a great deal from Zulilly) I would have gotten all the colors if they weren't so much. I love the material they are made out of , there is plenty of room for Addie to grow in them, and that there is plenty of room for her to kick her legs around (she LOVES to kick those legs!). They also look super cute with the tie at the bottom. :)
Bamboo Onesie (Also Daddy's favorite)- SUPER soft, easy for holding/cuddling and easy for Addie to kick her legs around.