Thursday, June 28, 2012

The "Big" Ultrasound Day

First off my parents closed on their house so it's all over, yay! And my sister, Rebecca's surgery went well today!

Overall Status of Baby E

 Baby E is healthy and progressing well. :) Not that we were worried but it was a relief to hear all was ok.

Of course Bryan loves this one!

Baby E wouldn't cooperate so this was
as close to a side profile as we could get.

 Baby was very active during appointment.

 We're Having A...................

It's determined and in the sealed envelopes!!
 One is a gender ultrasound pic for us and the other is for the cake baker.
Only 72 days until we know! Haha, we may have to cave and look before then.
 Do you think it's a boy or a girl??
 Since we aren't aren't able to tell you today if we are having a boy or girl here are a list of fun things for the day.

Gender Predicting-Old Wives Tales

  • 1.     We tried the ring test and it didn’t move.
  • 2.     Is baby’s heartbeat above or below 140?
  • 3.     Do you crave sweet or salty?
  • 4.     Did you have morning sickness? Yes or No
  • 5.     Are you moody or happy?
  • 6.     Is your skin soft or dry?
  • 7.     Do you sleep on your right or left side?
  • 8.     Do you have more headaches? Yes or No
Count for girl = 4
Count for boy = 3

  1. My favorite girl name (and Bryan has agreed to as well) is Addison Grace
  2. All my favorite boy names Bryan does not like so if you have any boy name suggestions please send!
  3. We of course just want a healthy baby but when asked if we had a preference we both would say boy.
  4. My Grandma Webb was born on July 13th, my Mom was born on February 13th, I was born on August 13th, and Baby E's due date is November 13th.....would be interesting if he/she was born on their actual due date.
  5. We officially asked our great friends Lauren and Andy to be Baby E's godparents and they happily accepted! :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

20 Weeks

How big is baby this week:

Due Date: November 13, 2012

Weight Gain: +3 lb from starting weight.

Symptoms: Felt pretty good all week with the occasional aches.

Cravings: No specific cravings this week.

Aversions: No aversions.

Sleep: Sleeping okay as usual. Starting to feel more pressure on my lower stomach when laying on my back. Your body definitely lets you know when you need to lay on your side.

I am loving: Enjoying cuddle time with Mosby and Jaxson. Love how Bryan has been taking care of me and the dogs. I was super excited that I found black petite maternity dress pants this weekend at Kohls!

I miss: Not really missing anything.

I am looking forward to: June 28th....Big day for the family. Ultrasound day for Bryan and Me, My parents are scheduled to close on their house (Yay!), and my sister, Rebecca is having surgery to remove a mass (non cancerous but needs removed). So prayers all around for Thursday would be great!

Movements: Baby continues to move around and I can tell that the kicks are getting stronger.

It's a....: Now that it's getting so close to when we could actually find out the baby's gender it's going to be hard to wait until September. I know it will be fun to wait though so it will be worth it!

Avery's Baptism

Jess, Avery, and Craig

Baptism Day

Race for the Cure

Team - "Friends of Deb"
7 year Survivor Debbie Gilbert

Debbie with her grandkids Tori, Avery, and Lexi

Tori G

How cute is she!?

Lexi G.

Baby Avery L. was dancing
away in her stroller.
"Babies for Boobies" 

Baby Rhyan P.

The Survivors Walk
Haha, Pink Doggie

Look at the amount of people there! This is what it looked like in front and behind us.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Nursery Ideas

I've been doing a lot of searching on pinterest and online for fun nursery ideas and came across some cool decals on

I'm loving this idea right now.....


19 weeks

How big is baby this week:

Due Date: November 13, 2012

Weight Gain: +2 lb from starting weight. Despite the small numbers the bump is growing.

Symptoms: Felt pretty good all week with the occasional aches. I could not zip my jeans or my regular black work pants this week. I used the belly band and that helped a lot.

Cravings: No specific cravings this week.

Aversions: No aversions. I did eat a little bit off finely ground up hamburger meat last Monday in tacos and it tasted okay to me.

Sleep: Sleeping okay as usual.

I am loving: Just having fun looking at ways to decorate Baby E's room and all the other baby items with Bryan.

I miss: Not really missing anything.

I am looking forward to: Our next ultrasound on June 28th

Movements: I definitely have been feeling baby kick. Several mothers at work and my mom all agreed that what I'm feeling is the baby. It's a lot more pronounced now than before. It kind of feels like little popcorn pops. Yesterday, I felt the strongest kicks so far. I felt one of them on the outside with my hand and than Bryan tried and did feel it that was really cool and on Father's Day!
It's a....: Now that it's getting so close to when we could actually find out the baby's gender it's going to be hard to wait until September. I know it will be fun to wait though so it will be worth it!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Baby Room

The spare room we have that will be the Baby E's room has been kind of the dumping ground for things that didn't have a specific spot in the house and where Bryan liked to keep his shoes and work clothes. Bryan cleaned the room out on Sunday and it now is completely EMPTY!! I love it. Now we can start putting baby things in there.  :)

Here are some pics of the empty room. I did paint the room less than a year ago because it desperately needed to be painted. I'm so thankful I already did this! I painted a neutral color that could have been for a baby room or for an office. The top is a light grey, middle white chair railing, and a darker grey on the bottom.

Here is the crib and changing table that I would really like from Pottery Barn and I would like it in the bright white.
I'm still looking around though to see what other options there are.  I would like to get some type of chair that we can use for feedings in the room but I'm not sure what style I want to get.

Backyard Improvements

My Dad and I spent a lot of this past weekend working on getting theses two rose bushes that are in the back corner of our yard out. They were massive and pouring into both of our neighbors yards and intertwined with the tree you see at the top of the pic below. We got them cut down as close to the roots as we could and now just need to dig them out......on the agenda for next weekend. I want to do something completely different here just not sure what. There are several spots in the yard I just want to redo from what the original owners had done. I'm looking to do some things that don't involve actual plants.....I'm not that great at keeping up with them. I'm thinking more of a simple zen look. Maybe rocks, some lighting, stepping stones, a fountain or two depending on prices.

Here is another area that I really would like to work on. I think the best thing to do is squaring this area off. I definitely want to put rock down here instead of mulch and we could put one of the fountains in this area.

Here are some air plants I would like to hang underneath the deck.
I went to Lowes/Home Depot yesterday hoping the store would inspire
me for ideas in the backyard. I was pretty disappointed in what I saw and came home instead
with these two trees for the deck. I do like their addition on the deck.

Cardinals Game

Bryan and I went to the Cardinals game on Friday night against the Cleveland Indians. I'll admit it was a pretty boring game and the Cardinals lost 6-2. The highlights for the night were this little boy sitting in front of us who had cotton candy all over his face, some crazy guy who ran out onto the field (he totally got the crowd going though), my ballpark nachos and jalapenos, the fireworks after the game, and just getting to hang out with Bryan. It definitely was nice to get out and I'm thankful Bryan was willing to go to the game with me since he's not a huge fan of baseball.

Beltran in RF

Guy who ran out on the field getting tackled

Guy getting arrested

Testing out the panoramic function on camera.